Hey, festive friends! Its the time of year we adults need Looking to put on a show after the kids are asleep to watch while wrapping presents? Well, look no further! We’ve curated the ultimate list of the best adult Christmas movies for a Christmas season filled with holiday classics, only the best from the romantic comedy category, and a touch of holiday spice.
From festive classics to hidden gems, we’ve got your holiday movie marathon covered – so grab your Santa hat and let this festive season jingle-binge begin!

Grown Up Holiday Movies To Watch This Year

Bad Santa
Bad Santa tells the story of a miserable conman and his partner who pose as Santa and his Little Helper to rob department stores on Christmas Eve. They run into problems when the conman befriends a troubled kid who shows him some holiday spirit.
Starring Billy Bob Thornton, this movie is best described as “crude, rude, and totally inappropriate, but that is the genius of it!”
Die Hard
A police officer in New York City tries to save his wife and several other people who are taken hostage during a Christmas party at the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Starring Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman.
Whether or not Die Hard is an actual Christmas movie is up for debate, especially because it came out in the summer! Its typically favored by the male crowd with its violence, fight scenes and gore, which may be as sentimental as some men get!
Trading Places
It is a classic nature versus nurture argument where two millionaires bet that their employee would turn to crime if his cushy life and job were taken away and he was accused of stealing. They replace him with a homeless con man who they give the job to and bet a dollar that he can’t perform it just as well.
Reasons to not let your kids watch this: the language, the nudity, and the drug content. Starring Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, this classic 1983 movie will have you laughing while getting in the holiday spirit.
Office Christmas Party
Put the kids to bed and throw this movie on Netflix while decorating the tree. Jennifer Anniston plays the tighly wound CEO who wants to shut down the branch of her brother (TJ Miller) who teams up with his chief technical officer (Jason Bateman) to throw an epic Christmas party to land a big client and save the day. The party gets out of hand and this movie lives to tell the tale!
If you like the hangover style of movies or anything that doesn’t need a realistic story line you will love this movie! Kate Mckinnon and her ugly Christmas sweater are a site to be seen. My favorite line about a minivan “Can this thing handle snow? Oh please, its a kia. Its what God would drive.”
Christmas Vacation
It’s Christmas time, and the Griswolds are preparing for a family seasonal celebration, but things never run smoothly for Clark, his wife Ellen, and their two kids. Clark’s continual bad luck is worsened by his obnoxious family guests, but he keeps going knowing that his Christmas bonus is due soon. Chevy Chase.
Clark Griswold is an average father (played by Chevy Chase) who wants to give his family a “good old-fashioned family christmas” but nothing seems to ever go right. It shares the story that when everthing goes awry we create the funny memories the whole family will be retelling for years to come. Its the thought that counts, right? The Christmas lights are a struggle. The turkey is ultra dry. Someone drinks too much eggnog, this cozy christmas setting and scenery makes it a cult classic.
The Night Before
In December 2001, Ethan Miller loses his parents in a car accident. His best friends Isaac Greenberg and Chris Roberts resolve to spend every Christmas Eve with him so that he will not be alone. The Night Before becomes a tradition for three lifelong best friends (Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anthony Mackie) to seek a wild evening of debauchery and this year they have decided will be their last, now that they are getting older.
This raunchy comedy is for you if you like the typical Seth Rogen movies, it is filled with adult humor, drug content, and heartwarming stories of friendship and family.
Love Actually
The story of Love actually follows eight unique couples and their varied love lives in a loosely connected stories that take place the month before Christmas in London, England. The star packed cast includes Kiera Knightly, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, and various others – keep an eye out for the guest appearances as well. Some situations are dramatic, others touching, filled with wonderful moments. One couple work as porn actors, which makes for a movie NOT to watch with kids. But if you are with a group of friends or on a date, this is a great movie to watch during this most wonderful time of the year.
The Holiday
Two women are unhappy in love, one living in LA and the other in small down England. Kate Winslet plays Iris whose home is the most picturesque cottage in the country while Cameron Diaz plays Rose who lives in a modern mansion in Los Angeles. The two women each search to get away from their day to day life and end up on a house trading site, switching locations and looking for respite.
I would watch any Nancy Meyers movie for the glorious interior scenes alone. Each of the women’s homes are stunning in their unique styles. But this christmas story stands on its own even without the stunning home styles. Not only does the story feature a romantic love, the story line with the neighbor gentleman really brings in the feelings you want this season. Jack Black and Jude Law play the love interests who are also equally endearing.
A childless couple (Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn) tries to escape to the beach over the holidays in order to avoid splitting all their time with all 4 sets of their parents. Their plans fall apart and forces them to spend their time divided between all the different family sets and get togethers, throwing them into Four Christmases.
The comedy is painfully realistic, – we all have that relative in our own family, right?
Home Alone
Ok, this one you might be able to watch the kids, but its worth a re-watch without them just to ask all the grown up questions that will take away the magic of the season. Starring Macaulay Culkin as Kevin Mccallister, you will love this show which is one of the holiday classics for a reason. Keep the change, ya filthy animal!
What movies do you watch to get in the Christmas Spirit without the kids? What would you add to the list? Leave me a comment and let me know.
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