Its almost summer! Celebrate the end of the school year by making your favorite teacher a gift with one of the 16 Free SVG files you can get here today. Because we all know that teaching is a hard job, they will be sure to get a laugh out of the Teaching, Its A Walk In The Park shirt inspired by Jurassic Park.
Teacher Gift Ideas
It seems like this is the time of year we are all desperately searching for ideas to show appreciation to the teachers in our lives. They do so much to help our kids (and us) learn and grow, but what can you really do to show how much you appreciate all they do?

Need a quick update on how to upload a SVG file into Cricut Design Space? Get the tutorial here.
I think this SVG would be look great on a shirt, and would be something I would wear throughout the year! This design could work on a tote bag, mug, or cup too!
How To Use This SVG File
This svg file was meant to be cut out of Iron on vinyl using a digital cutting machine – like a Cricut our Silhouette.
15 End Of School Free SVG Cut Files
Do you want even more ideas for teacher gifts or end of school year gifts? Check out 15 more SVG files you can use with your Cricut or Silhouette.
- Teacher Fuel SVG – The Country Chic Cottage
- From Teaching to Beaching – Kingston Crafts
- Jurassic Park Teacher File – Brooklyn Berry Designs
- Happy Last Day of School SVG – Pineapple Paper Company
- School is Done Bring on the Fun – That’s What Che Said
- Teacher Shark Shirt – Hello Creative Family
- Done with Teaching onto Beaching – Hey Let’s Make Stuff
- Goodbye School, Hello Pool – Happiness is Homemade
- Class Dismissed – Everyday Party Magazine
- I Teach. What’s Your Superpower? – Happy Go Lucky
- Free Graduation SVG – See Lindsay
- Teacher Mode On/Off – Artsy Fartsy Mama
- Last Day of School SVG – Simply Crafted Life
- Summer Break is My Favorite Subject – Pattern Revolution
- School’s Out for Summer – Crafting in the Rain
Download SVG Files Here
SVG files are free for email subscribers! Enter your email and the form to download your file will appear.
Comments & Reviews
Lara Trottier says
OK I love this, but I think I’m going crazy. I’m pretty sure I’ve searched every word in this post and don’t see a link to the file.
Brooke says
It should be on there now! Thanks for asking, and let me know if there are any issues.
Lara Trottier says
So it gave me the password and when I click on the link it give me to where I need to put in my e-mail address and the password, it won’t let me in and now it’s locked out.
Sharolyn says
I’m having the same problem
Angela McGrath says
I can’t find the link either.
Dorrell Robinson says
I put in my email and I haven’t received the file. What’s up with that?
Stacy says
I can not find the link to download the file
Keisha Kramm says
It’s not working for me either 🙁 .
C.Pruss says
I have not been able to access the svgs via the emailed link. keeps telling me that the account is locked. Please advise
Brooke says
I just sent you an email with the file!
Crystal says
Brooke, could you please send it to me too?
Caitlyn Duque says
Can you send it to me too?
Shayla Nicholson 🌹 says
could you email it to me as well please? [email protected]
Rebecca says
I’m having issues finding the link for the svg :/ is there a way you can help me please
Sarah says
The same happened for me! Is there a specific username we need to use to log in? I have the password, but it will not let me access the file library. Thanks!
Marian says
Are this svg free for commercial use? Or is it just personal? I know that some sites have the angel license but I can’t find anything in yours
Amanda says
Hello, I am having the same problem. It gives me a password that will not work with my email address. Thank you for the adorable SVGs!
Kayla says
I entered my information to subscribe, but never got any sort of notification that I am subscribed. I was trying to get to one of the teaching SVGs, and it kept telling me I needed to subscribe still. Did I miss a step?
Thank you
A. says
Shoot! I also can’t access it and love the design. Is there another place to get it?
Julie LaCombe says
Are these files still available? As a teacher, I’d love to make myself a shirt with your Jurassic Park design. When I try and log in, the site blocks me.
michelle says
I can’t download the file. The link is no where to be found
Brooke says
I just emailed it to you!
Cyndi says
I love this design! Unfortunately I am not able to access it anywhere. Can you please help?
Brooke says
I just emailed it to you.
Erin Hawes says
Hi, I am having the same issue as others stated. The link requires an email and it does not work and locked me out.
Please advise.
Brooke says
I sent it to your email!
Cyndi says
I am having the same issue 😟
Kyndall says
I am also having issues
Brooke says
You should get an email with the link to download. Check your other folders or spam!
Rebekah Allen says
hey! i’m having the same problem as listed above, and i tried logging in so many times that now i am locked out. can you help?
shannon says
Hi Brooke,
i’m trying to put together a last minute extra something for one of the teachers. i signed up but now cant access the library. is there something i’m doing wrong? i’m looking for the dinosaur file
thanks you!
Brooke says
You should be able to get the google drive file and download from there? Its here:
April Nick says
How do I get the link? I got the email with password, just wondering how I get the Jurassic park DCF link?! Thanks so much!
Brooke says
I just checked, you should be able to click on the download here button and it will open in google drive.
Candi says
What color shirt is that blue one? Where can I get that color?
Brooke says
The shirt is from Bella Canvas – it is my favorite brand for blank shirts to personalize. Here is an option for you:
Jenni says
I can’t find the link to download the Jurassic Park svg anywhere.
Brooke says
I just sent you an email!
g says
I followed the instructions on getting this SVG, i subscribed and sent it again to access it but i never got the svg file. I didnt find a download file link to this svg either.
Jamie-Lynn K says
I did not get the link and have signed up for the newsletter multiple times.
Brooke says
I just sent it again to your email. Check all your folders!
Lindsey says
I just signed up but cannot find the link for the download. Please help
Brooke says
I just emailed it to you
Mary says
Trying to download the file and get nothing. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Brooke says
I just emailed you the file! Let me know if it works.
Michelle says
I have subscribed to newsletter multiple times and still haven’t received the svg file.
Shayla Nicholson 🌹 says
Hi, i subscribed but the link to download isn’t showing up, can you help with this? thank you so much!
Kara says
I entered my name and email as the page stated and was unable to find a link anywhere and was not emailed a link. Did I miss a step?
Janvier says
Trying to download the file and didn’t get anything.
Brooke says
You should get an email with the link to download. Check your other folders or spam!
Courtney says
Hi! I subscribed but never got the file. Could you email it to me please?
Brooke says
I just sent you the email, so let me know if you don’t get it.
Courtney says
Hi Brooke, I got your email but it was not the right file. Would you be willing to send it?
Brooke says
I tried emailing it to you and at the email listed here and it got sent back. Let me know another place to send it.
Kara says
You can send it to [email protected] or [email protected]
Krista says
Hello! Can you please email me the file as well? Ive tried to subscribe but I haven’t received the link?
Thank you!
siobhan says
i subscribed but when i click the link to enter it says error and theres no where to enter the password? help 🙁
Brooke says
You should get an email with the link to download. Check your other folders or spam!
Bree says
Joined the newsletter and can’t find the download link. Please send!
Brooke says
You should get an email with the link to download. Check your other folders or spam!
Monique says
I am not able to find the Jurassic Park teacher file to download. I have signed up for the email list and didn’t get an
Monique says
I am unable to download the Jurassic Park SVG file. Please advise.
Tracie Ball says
I cannot access the teacher jurassic park svg file. I’ve subscribed and used the password but the link never showed.
jennifer says
i cant download the file, can u send it to me please , i love it
Noel says
I tried to use the file and it said that I do not have access please help!
bettina says
I signed up to get the Free Teacher SVG File posted on your site April 2, 2019. I did not get an email from you for these files. Could you please email them to me?
Kim Huey says
I also signed up for the free Teacher Jurassic Park Teacher File, but did not receive an email from you. could you please re-send? Thank You so much. This will make an awesome shirt.
Nessie Galliano says
Please send the Jurassic Park teacher sag file to me at [email protected]
Laura says
Love the designs! I’ve subscribed several times, but have not received the files.
LaDonna Newton Crear says
Is this download still available? I haven’t received it yet.
Alana Briane Johnston says
I just subscribed but I can’t download the Jurassic Park file. Please help!
Terri says
I cant find the link for this svg file
Christina says
Like others have said, I signed up for the newsletter. No email, not in my spam either, I looked.
I can’t begin to tell you how frustrating it is to come for this file and nothing on the page is clickable. I understand you want people to subscribe, but this seems REALLY misleading.
Denise Mata-Ross says
Hello I have signed up for your subscription multiple times and I still have not gotten an email. I have checked all my folders and nothing. Can you please help me? Thanks
Rebecca hansen says
I have tried downloading several of your free files and after I enter my information I don’t get a link.
ashley says
I still still don’t have the link and have checked all my email folders. when ever you get a chance to send it please
Kimberly says
This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing!
Nicole says
Hi I entered email for free Jurassic teach svg says will email file still not received.
Sarah Erskine says
Sorry but I seem to be having trouble downloading the file. Could you please email it to me?
Cassandra says
Tried to subscribe for the download, but it never sent the email to me for the link to download. Have tried several times. Email is [email protected].
Nic says
I subscribed and would love to work with the Jurassic Park SVG. Could you please send it to me.
Lisa says
Your new method of sending out this SVG worked perfectly. I received the email instantly and was able to download it with no problem.
Lisa says
Thank you for this awesome design! I made shirts for all my kids teachers just in time for the new movie release this summer- such a hit!
Shannon says
I am not able to find a link to download this SVG. Would you mind emailing it to me? Thank you so much!
jennifer says
thank you for sharing your designs
Michele L Richburg says
I think I figured out why I can’t download SVG from your site. I use an Apple computer and don’t have access to PDFort app with my computer. Is there a different way that I can use.
Brooke says
It shouldn’t download as PDF, it is a SVG file. It may appear as a safari or chrome icon in the folder, but should upload to your machine software just fine! What machine are you using?
Allison Gonzalez says
Hi! I love this jurassic park shirt! I entered my email but don’t see the email to download the file. Can you send it to me? Thank you!
Gabriela Rivas says
Elizabeth Mitchell says
Ok so I just joined but it will not let me in