Great Canadian Furniture
I love to read design magazines, but I am not sure how many times I fall in love with something to find out that I can’t get it in Canada. Either it isn’t available to ship here, or the price of shipping is equal or higher to the price of the actual product. Its so frustrating that buying furniture that is available in Canada is so limiting.
Price Vs Quality
I have a hard time with the pricing vs quality debate in our limited options for furniture in Canada. When I was shopping for a dresser for my twins nursery I wanted something that was solidly built, maybe a bit nicer than Ikea. The Move Up level, not quite the high end pieces I ordered in days past for my clients. When I hear To The Trade or Custom Order the only thing flashing through my mind is dollar signs. This usually means you are getting an excellent quality, but also at a price. You are also spending and waiting to get something you LOVE not just what works for right now.
I first went to an unfinished wood store, thinking this would give me the bang for my buck I was searching for. The salesperson there basically told me that the quality was similar to ikea, but instead of assembling it yourself, you finished it yourself. NO THANKS. When I went to what I would consider basic furniture stores, the prices were so much higher, I might as well get the custom made / designer item I was inspired by.
For example, a dresser at ikea was $200 and the dresser at Restoration Hardware, Pottery Barn, Urban Barn, even the Brick and Ashley Furniture were all around $1000. They also weren’t in stock, and limited styles. Is there no middle ground?
Get The Good Furniture in Canada
I finally decided that I am going to put my knowledge to good use for everyone and order awesome furniture at awesome prices. I am able to order it through wholesale accounts because I am an interior designer. Because I don’t have a store, and the overhead costs involved with that, nor am I hand delivering each piece (it will ship to your home or you can pick it up) you are saving that $$ that is usually included in the furniture you buy. Don’t get me wrong, I will more than likely NOT have sofas or couches, because I strongly believe you need to sit in them to gauge the comfort. That is a huge investment you need to be sure about. Bar stools, light fixtures, coffee tables, etc are a whole different game.
SO, that being said, if you want me to find something for you, send me an email at [email protected]. I will also feature some great rooms and where you can get the look from. This will include links to places you can buy them, or I will let you know its something I can order for you!
Here are some of my FAVORITE items I have seen lately.
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